Teen Page

Hoopla's Graphic Novels and Manga

Manga and Graphic Novels: Explore Like Never before!

Manga, superheroes, literary adaptations, and more! Log in to hoopla and download comics right to your device. Check out their ever-growing collection, with new content coming everyday!

Kodansha USA Publishing has joined the hoopla-verse! Hoopla now has access to some of the most recognizable manga series like Attack on Titan, Fairy Tail, BLAME!, and more.

Plus hoopla-exclusive content! New single-issue manga from the world of DC are now available.






Teen Anime Club

Join our Anime Club!

Get to know other anime fans! Socialize with friends, enjoy snacks and watch the latest streamed anime with our premium Crunchyroll subscription. 

The BWPL Anime Club meets weekly on Wednesdays at 4 PM in the Flora T. Little Meeting Room at the Library.

No registration required, feel free to drop in!

Come Visit the Vibe!

Did you know the Library has a dedicated space for teens?

The space is host to our teen collection, packed with young adult fiction, graphic novels, manga, and nonfiction titles. Hang out with friends with one of our board games or get together for a study session. 

Just a short walk from the schools, the library is the perfect place for teens and tweens to gather, discover, and vibe. Find it on the first floor.