Bead Therapy with ZMakesBeads

Graphic of someone making a beaded bracelet. Text that reads: Bead Therapy with ZMakesBeads. Registration required. Adult Program.

Bead Therapy is an expressive arts workshop. 

This workshop teaches participants the basics of beaded jewelry making and the difference between semi-precious stones and precious stones. The materials used are semi-precious stones and other natural jewelry materials. Semi-precious stones have been appreciated for generations for their unique beauty and healing and grounding properties. The atmosphere of the workshop is a tranquil, meditative, interactive space that encourages participants to be present and at ease while creating. It gives the participants the creative power to express how they feel and allows them to see how their feelings look in a form of art they produced. This is not a space for group clinical therapy but rather a space that allows participants to express creativity through the means of a tactile art form. As a mental health clinician, I leveraged Bead Therapy for clients with anxiety, children with ADHD, and those who prefer a different form of therapy through self-expression. Bead Therapy creates a safe space for anyone who is looking to explore their creativity and sense of self through jewelry making.

Each piece of art created represents the emotions of the creator. Each attendee will create one bracelet which they can keep.

Registration is required & space is limited.

Registration opens Tuesday, January 16 at 6:30PM. To register, click the register tab above.

A note on registration: If it says Registration Closed, the registration period has not opened yet. If it says Registration Full, the program is full.

Event Category
Event Location
Flora T. Little Meeting Room
Event Date