Bridgewater Public Library Art Exhibition Policy & Application

Bridgewater Public Library Art Exhibition Policy

Exhibition space at the Bridgewater Public Library is available to artists and/or interested persons or organizations that would like to curate an exhibition. Exhibit space is the Flora T. Little Art Gallery. Exhibits usually run for thirty (30) days.


The Flora T. Little Art Gallery is located on the second floor mezzanine. The gallery spans two parallel walls, approximately 55 feet in length. From the floor to the hanging mechanism is about 8 feet in height. A rail mechanism is used with removable hook rods, allowing artists to hang and space their pieces. 

This gallery is best suited for art that can be hung but there is a small table approximately 4 feet by 6 feet in which an artist can use to display sculptures, brochures, a guest book, and other materials.

An artist or group must have enough artwork to fill the entire gallery.


Designated Bridgewater Public Library staff members will ascertain whether a proposed exhibition is of appropriate quality, scale, and content to be shown in a public library building open to patrons of any age, race, religion, and ethnicity. In making decisions on whether or not to approve a display or exhibit, the Library shall not discriminate on the basis of message or viewpoint but may discriminate on the basis of perceived aesthetic or historical value, or other criteria unrelated to any viewpoint. 

In light of laws applicable to public buildings, the following types of items shall not be selected or approved for display: (a) items that are for the purpose of political fundraising as prohibited by Mass. Gen. Laws. ch. 55, § 14, and (b) items that endorse religion or any particular religion, or opposition to religion or to any particular religion. Any person wishing to appeal a decision about a display or exhibition can submit such appeal, in writing, to the Library Director. 



Library staff will review and select artwork. Artists or show organizers interested in exhibiting at the Library must submit the Exhibit Application found at the bottom of this page. Additionally, an applicant must provide the following by emailing

  • A selection of digital images (3-5) that best highlights the nature of your exhibit for promotional purposes. 
  • An estimate of how many pieces you intend to exhibit. Please note, an artist is expected to fill the entirety of our gallery space with their artwork. Therefore, exhibits consisting of a small number of pieces will not be accepted. 

Upon acceptance, the following requirements must be followed. 

Installation and Maintenance

  1. The artist or show organizer is responsible for the set-up and dismantling of the exhibition. Appointments for setting up and dismantling must be scheduled in advance with the Library’s designated contact. 
  2. Set-up and dismantling must take place during regular library hours under the supervision of the Library’s designated contact. 
  3. It is expected that the artist or show organizer will monitor the condition of the exhibition on a regular basis during the period of the installation. Should concerns arise, a communication can be sent to designated contact. 
  4. The gallery is equipped with an art hanging system. Hanging rods are supplied by the Library. Nails and/or picture hanging hooks including command hooks are prohibited. Altering the walls in any way is prohibited. You may not adhere anything to the walls using any form of adhesive. You may not puncture the walls.
  5. Artwork must be in stable, ready to hang (ready to display if using display cases) condition. Artwork should not require extraordinary procedures or equipment for installation and/or maintenance. Artwork must not have any potential to create an unsafe condition.
  6. Artist or show organizer can provide labels for each item. Type size must be at least twenty-four point (24 pt) and look consistent throughout. The Library reserves the right to create labels more appropriate to the size of the space. Mounting putty will be provided for labels. No other adhesives may be used.


  1. Artist or show organizer must provide the Library with a brief description (50 words or less) of the exhibition that the Library may use for publicity purposes. Digital images must also be included to be used for publicity. Any additional publicity is the responsibility of the artist or show organizer. 
  2. Artist or show organizer may provide additional information such as a written statement, biography, exhibition history, or representation/contact details. The Library may, but is not required to, incorporate this information in publicity. Prices will not be displayed in Library publicity materials. 
  3. The Library may use images from the exhibition for publicity and for publication online. Additional publicity materials (postcards, etc.) are permissible but are the responsibility of the artist or show organizer. All publicity for an exhibition must credit the Bridgewater Public Library. 

Fees & Sales 

  1. There will be no admission fee charged for exhibits. 
  2. Artists or show organizers may sell artwork at the Library. Sale of artwork should be done either off-site or electronically through an artist's website with no exchange of cash done within Library premises. As such, donation boxes collecting cash donations shall not be permitted. Artists may ask for donations through electronic means. 
  3. Should an artist or show organizer sell a work of art while on exhibit at the Library, the item must remain in the exhibit for the duration of the exhibition. 

Insurance & Liability

  1. Neither the Library nor the Town hold insurance for artwork on exhibit and are not responsible for loss or damage to any artwork. 
  2. The artist or show organizer is required to sign an insurance waiver absolving the Library of any damage or loss liability. A signed waiver must be received by the Library’s designated contact prior to any artwork installation.

Exhibit Application

To apply, please fill out the form below. Responses to applications typically are made within seven (7) days. Please read the entirety of the Exhibition Policy above before submitting your application.

